Destiny Blanks » Welcome to Mrs. Blanks Class

Welcome to Mrs. Blanks Class

Welcome to Mrs. Blanks second grade classroom! 
My name is Destiny Blanks, I live in the Greenville area with my husband and new baby boy! 
This is my fifth year of teaching and I have taught at QISD all five years. I am excited for this year and to be here at Cannon!
Our Schedule:

7:40-8:00 Morning work

8:00-8:30 RLA

8:30-9:25 Specials/Conference

Mon/Tues: PE   Wed: Library   Thurs: Music

9:30-10:30 RLA

10:30-12:00 Reading Rotations

12:15-12:45 Lunch

12:45-1:15 Recess

1:30-3:00 Math

3:00-3:30 Science/SS

3:30-4:00 Writing/Small Group

4:10 Dismissal

Conference: 8:30-9:25
Phone Number: 903-356-1300
Bachelor's of Science from Texas A&M University-Commerce