April Black » Welcome to Mrs. Black's Second Grade

Welcome to Mrs. Black's Second Grade

About Me
I am starting my 28th year of teaching and excited to join DC Cannon for my fourth year in Second Grade! I've taught second, third, fourth grades and served as an Instructional Interventionist and Literacy Specialist. 
Daily Schedule
7:30-7:40       Arrival
7:40-8:00       Social Emotional Learning & Morning Meeting
8:00-9:30       Math
9:30-10:00     Sci. / S.S.
10:00-10:30   Recess
10:30-12:00   Reading Rotations
12:00-12:30   Small Group 
12:30-1:00      Lunch
1:00-2:30        RLA
2:30-3:00        Small Group
3:00-3:55        Conference  M - Library, T -  Music, W - P.E, Th - P.E.
3:55 - 4:10      Prepare for Dismissal
4:10                 Dismissal


Contact Me

If you have any questions please feel free to message me on Remind, email me at [email protected], or call me at (903) 356-1300.

Texas A&M University Commerce, Interdisciplinary Studies
University of Texas, Curriculum & Instruction