Amy Walker » Mrs. Walker's 2nd Grade

Mrs. Walker's 2nd Grade

Welcome to my page. I am so excited for this school year. I look forward to getting to know my students and their families. This school year will start my 19th year teaching, 16 years at Boles ISD (6yrs.  in 2nd grade, 10yrs. in Pre-K), 1 year at Greenville ISD (2nd grade), 1 year at Mesquite ISD(Kindergarten) and now here at Quinlan ISD. I graduated from Texas A&M - Commerce in 2006. I have been married for 35 years, I have 2 children and 2 grandchildren, and 3 fur-babies. 
Daily Schedule
7:30-7:40        Arrival
7:40-8:00       SEL / MM
8:00-9:30       Math
9:30-10:00     Sci. / S.S.
10:00-10:30   Recess
10:30-12:00   Reading Rotations
12:00-12:30   Small Group 
12:30-1:00      Lunch
1:00-2:30        RLA
2:30-3:00        RTI/ Small Group/ Snack/ Launch
3:00-3:55        Specials/ Conference  M- P.E,, T - Library, W - Music, Th - P.E.
3:55 - 4:10      Prepare for Dismissal
4:10                 Dismissal